
Rezoning and Permitting

Stan has spent over 4 decades navigating the intricacies of rezoning, permitting, and securing government approvals across Virginia. His experience encompasses projects of all scales, from small residential subdivisions to large-scale, complex developments. Notably, Stan played a pivotal role in the rezoning of the MetroWest project, a transit-oriented development with over 2,000 units, recognized as Fairfax County’s first Smart Growth community, at the Vienna metro station.

With an in-depth understanding of the development landscape, Stan leverages his working knowledge and established relationships with local elected officials, municipal staff, civic organizations, and homeowners’ associations across the state. His ability to collaborate effectively with these stakeholders facilitates smoother processes, minimizes delays, and enhances project outcomes.

By partnering with SettleLand, you benefit from Stan’s expertise in navigating regulatory requirements, addressing community concerns, and overcoming the challenges that often accompany development projects. His strategic approach and network of connections ensure that your project will progress efficiently through every phase, from initial planning to final approval, setting a solid foundation for long-term success.